Healers’ K’Raven Circle

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Date(s) - 08/10/2024
11:00 am - 2:00 pm


A Healers’ K’Raven Circle

An offering is made to ponder participation in a Healers K’Raven Circle as a circle to replenish, gather, ground, rejoice with the Art of Being a Healer in this World, at this Time.  During our circle we engage in embodied transformation & facilitation, and take the Lead from Natures’ capacity for Leadership through a variety of Nature Beings.

Embodied Facilitation & Nature’s Leadership

You may be working with constellations, with energy work, shamanic rhythms, nature and other forms of therapies, including clinical ways. The Healers’ K’Raven Circle welcomes all Healers in the hope of providing a space for you to be tended to. 
In this circle we engage through journey, through circle, through intimate connections, and of course some constellating. Spirit Work is available in our time as well. Whatever may be needed, this circle wishes to provide in a consistent manor: once per month for at least 9 times (can extend to 13 meeting times if desired), online, 3 hours each.
Started April 29th and meets until November 2, 2024 with 9 meetings ~
and a possible extension: January through April 2025.
Should you feel the nudge to be a part of this circle, please email me privately to make contact.
A pre-existing professional relationship is needed.
3 seats are available for someone to join August 10th!
Andrea Bosbach Largent



August 10, August 31, September 21, October 12, November 9


Registration Information

in the past 3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
I know the work as a representative

Are you experiencing any of the following: *
 Chronic Stress
 Compulsive Behavior(s)
 Compulsive Behavior
 Negative Self Talk
 Mood Swings
 Chronic Bad Luck
 Post Traumatic Stress
 Panic or Anxiety Attacks
 Sleep disruptions
 Drug Use
 Chronic Illness
 Sense of something missing
 Paranormal Experience
 Traumatic Loss

Energywork: reiki, healing touch, etc
Shamanic Work
something else

yes I have experienced constellations as a client
yes I have experienced constellations as a representative
this work is new to me
While it is new, I still wish to schedule a time



Booking Summary

x Standard Ticket
Total Price
Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.