Hildegard von Bingen
Who was Hildegard von Bingen?
Hildegard of Bingen is an 11th century Mystic, Healer and Visionary –
a Woman with the ability to see and comprehend the seen and unseen Worlds. A woman embracing her gifts amidst overcoming a great many obstacles in her own time.
Next Events with & about Hildegard von Bingens work
Journey to
Hildegard of Bingen
Date – May / June 2025
Hildegards’ Life and Teachings.
Walking alongside Hildegard of Bingen at Disibodenberg, her first place of initiation and awakening.
Two additional sites of importance in her Life & Work will be made available to you. Concluding with a leisurely Sunday and an evening mediumship circle.
Orientation TBD – likely early February
Hildegard of Bingen 2025
Disibodenberg is a sacred site, on a natural setting where participants can walk, sit and commune with Hildegard most intimately.
The journey continues onward to where she opened her very own, women-led monastery. Here, the group enjoys a guided tour at her second place of impact: Rupertsberg. Saturday we cross the Rhine to the monastery she founded in her last phase of life: Abtei St. Hildegard, Eibingen
Hildegard of Bingen
September 13, 2024
10:30 am – 3 pm
The Light of Humanity ~ Light & Star Consciousness, including one’s own ~ Ability to see the Unseen ~ Compassion for Self