Hildegard von Bingen

Who was Hildegard von Bingen?

Hildegard of Bingen is an 11th century Mystic, Healer and Visionary

a Woman with the ability to see and comprehend the seen and unseen Worlds. A woman embracing her gifts amidst overcoming a great many obstacles in her own time.

She lived in a world of Men and Church upholding a great deal of rules about how the seen and unseen is to be viewed, how women are to engage or not. And so her journey through life was filled with tremendous Light and hardships. And the Light she is always eager to share.
Hildegard von Bingen
Her Compassion for Humanity brought to her the love of everyone she met: people, kings and queens alike. Everyone listened… and one thousand years later, her sharing’s of the healing arts through art, writing, herbs, gemstones, music and poetry are still listened to. And admired.
Her strength, her grace are admirable. Her presence in my life is a tremendous gift. One I am happy to share with you through mediumship and taking you onto a journey to her homeland: Bingen on the Rhine in May of 2025. And to Disibodenberg, her first cloister and place of initiation.

Next Events with & about Hildegard von Bingens work

Journey to

Hildegard of Bingen

Date – May / June 2025

Hildegards’ Life and Teachings.

Walking alongside Hildegard of Bingen at Disibodenberg, her first place of initiation and awakening.

Two additional sites of importance in her Life & Work will be made available to you. Concluding with a leisurely Sunday and an evening mediumship circle.

Orientation TBD – likely early February


Hildegard of Bingen 2025


Disibodenberg is a sacred site, on a natural setting where participants can walk, sit and commune with Hildegard most intimately.

The journey continues onward to where she opened her very own, women-led monastery.  Here, the group enjoys a guided tour at her second place of impact: Rupertsberg. Saturday we cross the Rhine to the monastery she founded in her last phase of life: Abtei St. Hildegard, Eibingen

Join the Journey to Hildegard of Bingen ~ Orientation is prerequisite.


Hildegard of Bingen

September 13, 2024
10:30 am – 3 pm

The Light of Humanity ~ Light & Star Consciousness, including one’s own ~ Ability to see the Unseen ~ Compassion for Self

This circle holds space for up to 13 participants allowing connection amongst the group. Together, we look into Hildegards connection with the cosmos ‘World’ through re-memberance and mediumship. No prior experience needed, all are welcome in meeting this extraordinary woman and light in the world. A simple day of self-care, self-love and love to the world we live in.

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