Guided Journey: The Life of our Children

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Date(s) - 09/20/2023
3:15 pm - 5:15 pm

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The Life of our Children    Guided Journey: The Life of our Children

The World honors the Life of our Children today, those who are living today, and those who lived only a short time:

Inside the wombs of their mothers. And the hearts of their fathers.

Their lives may have lasted hours, days, weeks or a few months. No matter how much time, they lived one full life, with their mothers and fathers and thus hold a full space in the web and womb of their family, and as ancestral members of their family.

To honor their contribution to Life present in All,

a guided journey and meditation is offered here today: September 20th from 3 to 5 pm EST.

You may join live, or through a recording.

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