Systemically Aligned ~ Secrets, secrets…. everywhere?

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Date(s) - 05/20/2024
10:30 am - 1:30 pm


Systemically AlignedSystemically Aligned


Secrets, secrets… everywhere?

Secrets have a fascination to us. Is it their nature to pull us in ~ or, away? What creates them, shifts them….?

As Facilitators we encounter situations where Secrets are asking us to show their wisdom, their holding. And other times, they wish to remain hidden.

This Learning Circle wishes to enhance your ability to:

  • Identify the presence of a Secret
  • Discern secrets ready to reveal from those needing to stay hidden
  • Understand the Nature of Secrets

As we meet for this Skill-Deepening to deepen our Systemic Alignment please bring questions, cases, curiosities and a willingness to engage and be engaged with you. Right at the start, we’ll step into the Field of ‘Fellowship’ – experiencing first the Order we wish to deepen in ourselves as Facilitators working with Clients.

Truth in Motion’ as ‘Wahrheit in Bewegung’ is a series of mentoring, learning and training  for those already having received a foundation in systemic constellations yet looking for a place to go deeper.

Systemically Aligned promotes:

  • a deepening of Systemic Knowledge
  • a deepening of embodied systemic alignment
  • connection with peers
  • guidance from a senior trainer & facilitator
  • a place to ask questions in a safe, sound and supportive environment

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