Systemically AlignED: Synchronizing Agreement

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Date(s) - 08/15/2024 - 08/17/2024
11:00 am - 2:30 pm


Systemically AlignED

‘Truth in Motion’ as ‘Wahrheit in Bewegung’ is a series of mentoring, learning and training. The series is designed for those already having received a foundation in systemic constellations yet looking for a home to:

        • deepen their learning, meet peers to connect with,
        • be guided by senior trainer & facilitator, make connections: internationally as well as locally,
        • Ask questions in a safe, sound and supportive environment.

Synchronizing Agreement in the Diagnostic Interview

Arriving at a systemically sound agreement, valid for the client ~ their system, and the facilitator. This Art can be taught, practiced and deepened.

    • Day 1: Systemically AlignED engages the Art of Synchronizing Agreement
    • Day 2: Engaging the Four Levels of E-Motions for a Facilitator and the word-medicine they hold

Primary, Secondary, Systemic & Meta-E-Motions

    • Day 3: practicing the art of Synchronizing
    • future training possibility: Recognizing Systemic Sentences in the diagnostic / constellation process

Find more events here.




Registration Information

Booking Summary

x Synchronizing Agreement 3-days
Total Price
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