Laws of Spirit

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Date(s) - 06/11/2025 - 06/13/2025
11:00 am - 2:30 pm


Laws of Spirit: Emerald Tablet

The Seven Laws of Spirit describe how ALL sentient beings come into being:  Sovereignty, Reciprocity, True Name, Sacred Marriage, Law of Magick, Conscious Awareness and Conscious Participation – The Law of IS. Within it reside protection, strengths, and eternal knowledge.

And BirthRights! Naturally we have rites to body, spirit, place and space. And we will explore all 7 birthrights as part of this retreat.

This exploration is both: instructive and experiential on a personal level.

Knowing these laws and their inherit birth-rights one reaches greater potency in transformational cycle, compassion deepens. Naturally, these ancient principles are built into our cell structure, our memories, conscious and unconscious. Efficacy increases through conscious knowing, holding and working within realms of healing, rites and ceremonies.

This retreat is auspiciously scheduled on the summer solstice, permitting full access to the strengths the time of the highest light is offering.

Each day, we have a 3.5 hour online module, plus 1.5 self-instructed journey & ritual.

Wednesday – Friday, June 11-13 from 11 am to 2:30 pm EST & offline practice: 90 minutes

Course utilizes the art of journey & mediumship, as well as guided meditation, to engage material.

All levels welcome!


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