Facilitator Training, Level 3

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Date(s) - 03/19/2025 - 03/22/2025
All Day


Systemic Constellation Facilitator Training, Level 3Foundation in Systemic Constellations

Ready to step into the becoming a Systemic Facilitator of Relational Health & Healing?

Level 3 brings you the full Constellation Philosophy, all of its tools and applications to one-on-one or circle practices. The focus in this learning is to embrace the full scope of systemic principles: Natural Blueprint & Ancestral Cosmology, as well as Entanglements: Health, Death, Life. And all that lays between.

Hybrid Training Structure, starting March 19, 2025:

  • 3 online training days (4 hr/each ): April, May, September
  • 7 online learning modules (recorded): Recordings are shared 1 x month, starting May 15 – December 15 (July will be off)
  • 3 segments of 4/5-day in person teaching blocks: – March 19-22, August 27-31, 2025, October 1-5, 2025: Blueprint of Systemic Relating – Livermore, CO and/or Crystal River, FL
  • Assisting in 3 public constellation events of your own choosing
  • Finale: leading your own event and constellations


  • A Foundation in Systemic Constellations to be integrated into your Professional Life.
  • Systemic Integrity as part of Life.
  • Certification as a Systemic Constellation Facilitator, a Facilitator of Relational Health & Healing 
  • Increased potency in Transformation & Healing in working with Others and Self

Systemic Constellations Training includes:

  • Relational Web of Humans, Families, Tribes & Cultures
  • Systemic Integrity as a Professional providing for others.
  • Transformational Competence in working with Clients – both in group and individually
  • Field Competence – Engaging & Disengaging Fields in Therapeutic Process
  • Contextual Competence: present context inside a healing process and biographical context
  • Leadership Skills in Work, Life, Therapy
  • Transformational Leadership in generational and biographical trauma release (requires level 3 to be completed)
  • A network of peers for years to come
  • and some fun along the way – including personal work and support.

Training´s pre-requisite: Personal Systemic Constellation experience, Geno-Chart-Process™: Ancestral Identity, Field Technology and Ritual as offered in Level 1 and 2(or comparable)

Professionals of diverse methodological backgrounds are welcomed – Psychotherapy, Energy Modalities, Psychology, Body-Work, Social-Work, Teachers, Healers, Shamanic Practitioners, Mediums, Psychics, Human-Animal Relations, Veterinarians and more.

Tuition:  $2,450 can be paid in full, or partial $1,450 by January 31, 2025, $1,100 by April 1, 2025

Already received some Constellation training? Bring your wisdom and gain a deepening, foundational structure and mentoring into your own Facilitation. Your tuition will be $1,450 to be paid in full, or in two segments ($990 by January 31, 2025, $540 by April 1, 2025).

If you haven’t participated in the Level 1 training you can book here.



45 minute, online meeting


Registration Information

Booking Summary

x Application to participate in Level 3 Constellation Training
Total Price
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