Constellation Master Class & GC Certification™
Date(s) - 02/11/2022 - 02/12/2022
9:00 am - 2:30 pm
Beyond Entanglements: Reaching deep into the Ancestral Wisdom
Constellation Master Class & GenoChart™Certification
This Master Class picks up where other trainings stop.
Training for Constellators, Facilitators, Professionals in All Healing Professions, Mediums included and welcome
Pre-requisite: Systemic Foundation, Curiosity & Interest in Transformational Processing
12 days online training, plus 1 in person retreat
Systemic Healing holds great strength and superb transformational potential. The strengths comes largely from within the systemic field (and client self) and the Facilitator is the conductor to listen, read, comprehend, analyze and translate the shared information from the Systemic Field and make good use of it in the therapeutic relationship with the client.
Part of this can be the use of a Constellation. This tool (constellation) is mighty in its impact as its structure of a Constellation is followed. Yet, a Facilitator (Practitioner) is not limited by having the ability to set up a constellation or not. The structure Constellations can be translated into direct work with clients, provided the Facilitator is skilled in understanding both:
the structure of a constellation and what initiates transformation or healing movements;
and the systemic field, how to hold it, investigate within it, and come back with the knowledge of where in the large ancestral or cosmic system the stuckness (symptom/entanglement) resides.
All Entanglements (symptoms, challenges) have a dimension beyond their appearance. So that too, becomes a ‘need-to-know’ for a Facilitator in the Art of Systemic Healing Movements.
This Master Class picks up where other trainings stop.
Hence the pre-requisite is the completion of either a Facilitator training, foundational or otherwise, or a training in an equivalent systems approach: medicinally or psychotherapeutically, i.e. acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, certain shamanic lineages. For those of you who are looking at the GenoChart Certification, please have the Foundation (10 hours) completed before applying for this Certification. Your certification includes 15 supervised case studies from your own practice.
Your trainer is an international full-time Trainer and Constellator since 1992 with great depth, experience and mastery to her Art of Constellating. Her primary aim is to support Facilitators in finetuning and harnessing all their skills, including a successful and thriving practice. As such she developed the GC Certification and these Master Classes to make Systemic Healing Potential accessible to ALL healing professionals.
The learning format is built on circle technology, and honors the sanctity of a mature learning environment. You may pick dates here and there, or join the entire course.
12 days @ $190/day or $1,900
Dates: February 11, 12 – March 5 – April 15, 16 – May 14 – June 10-12 – October 21-23, 2022 online
9 am to 2:30 pm EST / 7 am to 12:30 pm MST / 3 to 8:30 pm CET
International audience: english language, life teachings.
In person retreat: September 8-11, 2022 – separate tuition & lodging
More details on the GC-Certification™;
Part of the GC Training is the in person retreat and 15 completed case studies from your own practice.
Supervision for your case studies begins in April 2022. Supervision may occur individually (45 minutes, $150) or in small groups 3 hours ($80/person with 4 people). Case Studies may be completed by June of 2023 to receive full certification.
Bookings are closed for this event.