Constellations East Coast Intense

We’re celebrating our 20th anniversary!

Since its inception in 2000, the goal of the East Coast Intensive has been to bring facilitators together, work together, and grow our Family Constellation community: We become stronger people, facilitators, and providers now and in the future.

Join us as a Senior Facilitator, New Generation Facilitator, Constellation friend, or curious person wanting to meet Constellations for the first time. Our focus is – as always –

Growing relationships in the Constellation community.

Where the relationship expands – healing takes place.

Our family constellation community is thriving with diversity and varying levels of experience, skill, and containment. We have incorporated the level of psychic reality into the reality of emotions, physics, and the well-being of individuals and families. We added Zoom constellation groups to the reality of Constellating. Converging healing fields in very many shapes and forms. We are curious:

How can we contain, initiate, and remain in integrity the principles of transformative healing?

As we explore these questions together in a study circle format, we may arrive at more succinct questions than answers. That’s fine…possibly optimal.

The material to be worked with is provided within the circle. This means participants can do personal work that allows us to refine our observations, skills, and collaborative learning. Sharing of relevant case studies is strongly encouraged and wholeheartedly appreciated.

Please note that this is not a lecture or theoretical format.

The East Coast Intensive is an experiential learning where we delve deep into the field of so-called constellations. Together we listen – together we learn – together we grow.

2021 East Coast Intensive Details:

Thursday, July 15, 2021 – 5 p.m. to Sunday, July 18, 2021 – 2 p.m

Location: Highlands, NC – A stunning mountain retreat

Tuition includes accommodation and meals:

Registration is open through May 30, 2021: $750-800 – varies by room reserved; includes food and accommodation

Register here

Registration is done directly with our hosting retreat area: The Mountain Retreat Center: Highlands, NC

About your 2021 co-host: Jeffrey Rich

Jeffrey Rich is a Certified Family and System Constellation Facilitator and Shamanic Healer in private practice in Burnsville, NC. His healing work combines indigenous and non-indigenous methods and approaches. Jeffrey has been comfortable in the classroom creating and editing core massage therapy curriculum. He has been teaching therapeutic massage and shamanic healing workshops for more than a decade. He is a public speaker and an internationally published author and has given presentations on shamanic and constellation topics.

After over a decade of shamanic study and practice with both indigenous and non-indigenous teachers, he is currently studying with Adolfo Ttito Condori, Andean healer and senior teacher, and with Betsy Bergstrom in Seattle. Traditional Andean healing practices involve working with the field of knowledge in a uniquely indigenous way. Andean healers and energy masters have a tremendous awareness of the Kausay, the living energies of people and places. Her coca leaf divinations appear to be an ancient indigenous form of table constellation. His Andean and shamanic studies support his ability to read and connect to the energies and intelligence of the field and world around him, expanding and deepening his understanding.

Jeffrey uses his middle-world shamanic skills such as Mediumship, Curse and Thoughtform Unraveling, Compassionate Depossession, and Space Clearing in his work. He also uses constellation principles in his soul retrieval and other shamanic healing work. His beloved teachers include Francesca Mason-Boring, from whom he learned to lighten constellations, and Betsy Bergstrom and Adolfo Ttito Condori, with whom he still studies Middle World shamanism and Andean cosmological mysteries.

Jeffrey, a native of Asheville NC, has a BS in Computer Science with a concentration in Electrical Engineering. This served him well in his early career as a software developer. He played and recorded over ten seasons with Apollo’s Fire, the Cleveland Baroque Orchestra.

About your host and founder of the EC Intensive: Andrea Bosbach Largent

As a practitioner, Andrea Bosbach Largent has a Masters in Family Systems, Social Work and Holistic Healing. She has been a Senior Facilitator & Trainer of Constellations in Europe, Canada and the USA since 1992 and was one of the first 5 facilitators to practice in the USA.

She was instrumental in bringing Constellation Work from Germany to the United States from 1999 to 2005. Additionally, her goal was to integrate multigenerational trauma release into mainstream therapy and psychology. Their trademarked Geno-Chart-Process™ enables therapists of all modalities to incorporate Ancestral Trauma Release into their practice. This training is in its 5th training cycle and will start in 2010.


And – she was one of the first to explore the human-animal field of disease relationships for both humans and animals. She currently supports and trains practitioners in the art of transformational constellations in the United States and Germany. Constellation requests can include work with: chronic diseases, ancestral curses and oaths, relational requests and generational bonds, and requests on behalf of homes, land and animals. Past life constellations may appear as needed.

Andrea Bosbach Largent developed an Astro constellation process that enables individuals to empower their potential for life, success and expression within themselves (Self Realization). In addition to her clinical training, Andrea brings her skills in MediumShip, Spirit & Space Clearing, Ancestral Spirit or Curse Unraveling, Compassionate Depossession and Spirit Journeys in the shamanic tradition of Seidr. Her indigenous roots are Germanic – Norse/Seidr, Sami – as well as her grandmother’s connection to Gypsy culture in Russia.

A profound respect and practice is in place to honor the wisdom and teachings of the ancestral West African people presented to Andrea through Elder Malidoma Some. The constellation process was initiated in a significant way by the Zulu people of Africa and their connection to Bert Hellinger, the German originator of the process we refer to as family (field) constellation. Therefore, indigenous roots are recognizable in this process as well as western and modern roots.

An amalgamation dedicated to the honor and healing of all people: those alive today, those to come, and those who will come after.

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