Sibling Constellations
Date(s) - 03/13/2025 - 03/15/2025
All Day
Systemic Health & Healing through Constellations
Sibling Constellations
Siblings are the longest relationship we hold in life. As such, we thrive or suffer with the well-being of our siblings. The loyalties between us as siblings are at an ultimate high. The rewards of looking at it through the lense of Constellation Work are at an ultimate high as well.
During Sibling Constellations, a Constellation attends to the entire Family of Origin, looking at the dynamics at work for each of the Siblings. Extensive experience with Constellations and one’s own place in the family of origin are a pre-requisite to explore Sibling Constellations. Each Constellation ranges 1-2 hours.
March 13-15, 2025
Thursday & Friday: 9:30 to 6 pm, Saturday 9:30 to 2:30 pm
Livermoore, Colorado
Save the date ~ pricing and booking available soon
We are speaking to the venue.
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